A Proud Part of Grande Yellowhead Public School Division

Staff Directory


Photo of Darcy Reynolds

Darcy Reynolds


Photo of Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams

Assistant Principal

Photo of Neacaile Cave

Neacaile Cave

Learning Support Teacher (LST)

Administrative Assistants

Photo of Jennifer Claridge

Jennifer Claridge


Photo of Liz Arndt

Liz Arndt

Secretary / Librarian


Photo of Kevin Leis

Kevin Leis

Kindergarten KL

Photo of Christine Reynolds

Christine Reynolds

Kindergarten KR

Photo of Jessie Johnston

Jessie Johnston

Grade 1J

Photo of Bobbi Semotiuk

Bobbi Semotiuk

Grade 1S

Photo of Erin Warren

Erin Warren

Grade 1E

Photo of Brittany Adelman

Brittany Adelman

Grade 2A

Photo of Rachelle Bilawey

Rachelle Bilawey

Grade 2B

Photo of Emily Dennison

Emily Dennison

Grade 2D

Photo of Paige Bobilek

Paige Bobilek

Grade 3P

Photo of Stephanie Hyatt

Stephanie Hyatt

Grade 3H

Photo of Kristy Schwartz

Kristy Schwartz

Grade 3S

Photo of Mariea Dennison

Mariea Dennison

Grade 4D

Photo of Joseph Hyatt

Joseph Hyatt

Grade 4H

Photo of Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams

Grade 4W

placeholder image for Jared Dahl

Jared Dahl

Grade 5D

Photo of Marina Hagler

Marina Hagler

Grade 5H

Photo of Becky Kehler

Becky Kehler

Grade 5K

Photo of Nicole Clayton

Nicole Clayton


Photo of Ashlynn Martin

Ashlynn Martin


Educational Assistants

Photo of Cherise Fron

Cherise Fron

Education Assistant (EA)

Photo of Sherry Hansen

Sherry Hansen

Education Assistant (EA)

Photo of Cheri Ladouceur

Cheri Ladouceur

Education Assistant (EA)

Photo of Beverly MacInnis

Beverly MacInnis

Education Assistant (EA)

Photo of Denise Martin

Denise Martin

Education Assistant (EA)

Photo of Kim Martin

Kim Martin

Education Assistant (EA)

Photo of Janet Slemko

Janet Slemko

Education Assistant (EA)

Photo of Ashley Watson

Ashley Watson

Education Assistant (EA)

Photo of Sheila Weenk

Sheila Weenk

Education Assistant (EA)

Photo of Kristy Williamson

Kristy Williamson

Education Assistant (EA)

Family School Liaison Counsellor

Photo of Jessica Craig

Jessica Craig


Speech-Language Pathologist

Photo of Ande Hinchey

Ande Hinchey

Speech Language Pathologist (SLP)