A Proud Part of Grande Yellowhead Public School Division

MBE logo on the gym floor


Grades Taught

K - Grade 5


Mary Bergeron Elementary (MBE) is a modern K-5 school that opened its doors in September of 2017. The school is located in Edson, Alberta along the beautiful Yellowhead highway, and is one of two elementary schools, in Edson, that are part of the Grande Yellowhead Public School Division. In addition to regular programming, MBE students often have learning opportunities in areas such as  second languages, Cree culture and language, STEM, drama, and a host of other options.. We also are proud to have dedicated Music and Physical Education specialists on staff.

Mary Bergeron Elementary is blessed with the most amazing, talented, and dedicated staff, students, and parents that work together to make our school a world-class elementary school. We are constantly developing strong relationships between students, staff, and parents that are based on mutual trust and respect. There are currently thirty-six staff members working at the school, including teachers, administrators, teacher assistants, family school liaison counsellor, speech-language pathologist, and a learning support teacher.

Our Vision: Every Student; a Success Story!



Darcy Reynolds

Principal's Welcome


Staff Directory


“We’ve Got This!”


Mary Bergeron Elementary strives to be a world-class elementary school. We build the foundation for this school improvement journey through meaningful relationships, relevant and engaging learning, and effective communication. We challenge ourselves to be better than we think we can be, and advocate for the greater good of our multidimensional school community. Our success in this mission will build lifelong, confident learners, who have the tools necessary for success in an ever-changing world.


At Mary Bergeron Elementary, we begin each week with a school-wide assembly that we refer to as our M&M’s Assembly.  M&M’s stands for Monday Morning Motivation and this is a time where we celebrate what it means to be part of the MBE family.  During assemblies we sing the national anthem, share important weekly announcements and celebrate staff & student birthdays for the week. We celebrate by presenting each person a special birthday certificate and sing ‘Happy Birthday’ in song and in sign language.  Each assembly also includes an opportunity for classes, individual students, staff or special guests to perform for our school. At the end of the assembly, all classes exit while showing off their best dance moves to an upbeat music selection. It’s a great school-wide learning experience and school culture building opportunity for everyone. Parents are always welcome to attend!

Mary Bergeron Elementary is separated into three wings; green wing houses the kindergarten and grade one classes, red wing houses the grades one and two classes and blue wing houses the grades three, four and five classes. Each wing has a designated mascot; green wing has Timber the beaver, red wing has Honey the bear and blue wing has Forest the moose, together they are known as the MBE Wild.

The last Thursday of every month is designated as MBE School Spirit day. Each month a new theme is chosen and students and staff are encouraged to show their school spirit by dressing up for that month's theme. A positive school spirit allows students to perform better academically, become more civically engaged and be happier overall. School spirit is a powerful reflection of pride, achievement and determination.

At Mary Bergeron Elementary, we use “Buddy Classes” to help build a positive school community by establishing strong relationships between our students. Older students are paired with younger children from their buddy class and meet throughout the school year for many different activities.

Programs and Services

Programs Offered