Early Dismissal Wednesday, February 5 at 1:00 PM
On Wednesday, February 5, GYPSD schools in Edson will dismiss students at 1:00 pm. This change in our calendar is due to a recent update to our ATA Collective Agreement, which reads as follows:
Jasper and Grande Cache teachers will be dismissed at 12:00 p.m. and Hinton, Edson, Fulham, Niton
teachers at 1:00 p.m., to attend the Annual North Central Teachers’ Convention, so long as the location
of the convention necessitates travel.
Attendance at Teachers' Convention is a contractual obligation for all teachers. This year's convention takes place on February 6th and 7th, and there is no school on those days for students as a result.
Early dismissal will work the same as it does during regular dismissal at the school. The early dismissal bell will ring at 1:00 pm and students who are walking or picked up by parents will be dismissed through the front doors. Bus students will go to their usual bus lines and load their regular bus the same as they always do - just at 1:00 pm instead of the end of the school day.